Procedure Hematology Blood collection for hematological test v2
Pipeline IMPC_adult_v2-LaterOnset Screen Age (week) 16-56w
Strain Condition 1 Pipeline(s) Tested Day
C57BL/6NJcl Late ♀: 10  ♂: 8 2015/11/24 - 2016/08/29
(16.36 - 56.64)
Early ♀: 14  ♂: 11
Parameter Difference Supplement
Percent of basophils (BASO) NS
Percent of eosinophils (EOS) NS
Hematocrit (HCT) S
Hemoglobin (HGB) S
Percent of Large Unstained Cells (LUC) S
Percent of lymphocytes (LYMP) NS
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) S
Mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) NS
Mean cell volume (MCV) S
Percent of monocytes (MONO) NS
Mean platelet volume (MPV) S
Absolute number of basophils (BASO number) NS
Absolute number of eosinophils (EOS number) S
Percent of neutrophils (NEUT) NS
Absolute number of Large Unstained Cells (LUC number) S
Absolute number of lymphocytes (LYMP number) S
Absolute number of monocytes (MONO number) S
Absolute number of neutrophils (NEUT number) S
Absolute number of reticulocytes (Retic number) S
Platelet count (PLT) S
Red blood cell count (RBC) S
Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) S
Percent of reticulocytes (Retic) S
White blood cell count (WBC) S
Red blood cell count (RBC), Hemoglobin (HGB), Hematocrit (HCT), Mean cell volume (MCV), Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), Mean platelet volume (MPV) and Absolute number of eosinophils (EOS number) were decreased in 56-week-old mice (Late) relative to 16-week-old mice (Early). White blood cell count (WBC), Absolute number of neutrophils (NEUT number), Absolute number of lymphocytes (LYMP number) and Absolute number of monocytes (MONO number) were decreased in 56-week-old mice (Late) relative to 16-week-old mice (Early) in only female. Platelet count (PLT), Percent of reticulocytes (Retic), Absolute number of reticulocytes (Retic number) and Percent of Large Unstained Cells (LUC) were increased in 56-week-old mice (Late) relative to 16-week-old mice (Early). Absolute number of Large Unstained Cells (LUC number) was increased in 56-week-old mice (Late) relative to 16-week-old mice (Early) in only female. Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) was increased in 56-week-old mice (Late) relative to 16-week-old mice (Early) in only male.