Procedure Open Field v1
Pipeline IMPC_adult_v2-LaterOnset Screen Age (week) 9-49w
Parameter Distance travelled - total
Strain Condition 1 Pipeline(s) Tested Day
C57BL/6NJcl Late ♀: 11  ♂: 9 2015/10/05 - 2016/07/11
(9.21 - 49.79)
Early ♀: 14  ♂: 14
Raw Data

Bartlett test result
Factor df Bartlett's K2 p
condition1 1 0.2256387 0.6347767
sex 1 2.191713 0.1387549

Summary statistics
Factor mean median SD SEM N
condition1 - sex
Early(9w) - Female 5891.39 6360.8 1815.18 485.13 14
Early(9w) - Male 6210.69 6134.3 852.77 227.91 14
Late(49w) - Female 6175.16 6751.5 1548.86 467 11
Late(49w) - Male 4740.94 4237.2 1198.55 399.52 9

ANOVA result
Signif. codes ***: <0.001
**: <0.010
*: <0.050
†: <0.100
Factor df Sum Sq. F value Pr(>F) Signif.
condition1 1 3414200 1.7116 0.19757
sex 1 1980063 0.9926 0.32455
condition1:sex 1 8915647 4.4696 0.04021 *
Residuals 44 87768771

Tukey multiple comparisons of means
Factor: condition1:sex
Level Difference Lower Upper Adjusted p
Late(49w):Female - Early(9w):Female 283.8 -1236 1803 0.9589
Early(9w):Male - Early(9w):Female 319.3 -1106 1745 0.9321
Late(49w):Male - Early(9w):Female -1150.4 -2762 461 0.2402
Early(9w):Male - Late(49w):Female 35.5 -1484 1555 0.9999
Late(49w):Male - Late(49w):Female -1434.2 -3129 261 0.1235
Late(49w):Male - Early(9w):Male -1469.7 -3081 141 0.0851


There was significant effect of age×sex, but no significant pairs in post-hoc analysis.