Procedure Open Field v1
Pipeline IMPC_adult_v2-LaterOnset Screen Age (week) 9-49w
Parameter Distance travelled
Strain Condition 1 Pipeline(s) Tested Day
C57BL/6NJcl Late ♀: 11  ♂: 9 2015/10/05 - 2016/07/11
(9.21 - 49.79)
Early ♀: 14  ♂: 14
Raw Data

Conditions of statistics.

sex Female

Bartlett test result
Factor df Bartlett's K2 p
condition1 1 0.8836907 0.3471928
within 3 1.080094 0.7818815

Mauchly's test of sphericity
Factor Mauchly's W p

Summary statistics
Factor mean median SD SEM N
condition1 - within
Early(9w) - 5 1785.45 1790.4 565.06 151.02 14
Early(9w) - 10 1420.78 1470.75 398.65 106.54 14
Early(9w) - 15 1413.64 1454.6 469.95 125.6 14
Early(9w) - 20 1271.52 1426.2 480.22 128.34 14
Late(49w) - 5 1846.22 1848.6 391.79 118.13 11
Late(49w) - 10 1535.58 1701.5 397.82 119.95 11
Late(49w) - 15 1431.42 1565.3 455.76 137.42 11
Late(49w) - 20 1361.95 1385.4 410.2 123.68 11

ANOVA result
Signif. codes ***: <0.001
**: <0.010
*: <0.050
†: <0.100
Factor df Sum Sq. Mean Sq. F value Pr(>F) Signif.
condition1 1 124010 124010 0.1707 0.6833
Residuals 23 16705708 726335
within 3 3499801 1166600 35.6594 4.941e-14 ***
condition1:within 3 32239 10746 0.3285 0.8048
Residuals 69 2257344 32715

Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD
P value adjust method : Bonferroni

Factor: within
Pair p
5 - 10 0.0491
5 - 15 0.0155
5 - 20 8e-04

Conditions of statistics.

sex Male

Bartlett test result
Factor df Bartlett's K2 p
condition1 1 1.120942 0.2897157
within 3 1.47348 0.6884045

Mauchly's test of sphericity
Factor Mauchly's W p

Summary statistics
Factor mean median SD SEM N
condition1 - within
Early(9w) - 5 1788.24 1822.45 236.49 63.21 14
Early(9w) - 10 1623.82 1650.6 206.99 55.32 14
Early(9w) - 15 1471.06 1386.8 289.85 77.47 14
Early(9w) - 20 1327.56 1292.1 265.78 71.03 14
Late(49w) - 5 1378.93 1296.9 454 151.33 9
Late(49w) - 10 1220.47 1124 308.77 102.92 9
Late(49w) - 15 1146.54 988.4 299.14 99.71 9
Late(49w) - 20 995 1022.2 257.07 85.69 9

ANOVA result
Signif. codes ***: <0.001
**: <0.010
*: <0.050
†: <0.100
Factor df Sum Sq. Mean Sq. F value Pr(>F) Signif.
condition1 1 2958452 2958452 11.8644 0.002430 **
Residuals 21 5236484 249356
within 3 2305056 768352 28.2379 1.080e-11 ***
condition1:within 3 33428 11143 0.4095 0.746707
Residuals 63 1714227 27210

Pairwise comparisons using t tests with pooled SD
P value adjust method : Bonferroni

Factor: condition1
Pair p
Early(9w) - Late(49w) 0

Factor: within
Pair p
5 - 15 0.0313
5 - 20 2e-04
10 - 20 0.0486

F_02_U_errorbar.png M_02_U_errorbar.png

Female: Any significant difference was not detected in age.

Male: Distance travelled was significantly decreased in 49-week-old mice (Late) relative to 9-week-old mice (Early) (p<0.01).