Procedure Combined SHIRPA and Dysmorphology v1.1
Pipeline IMPC_adult_v2-LaterOnset Screen Age (week) 9-49w
Parameter Group Coat
Strain Condition 1 Pipeline(s) Tested Day
C57BL/6NJcl Late ♀: 11  ♂: 9 2015/10/06 - 2016/07/12
(9.36 - 49.93)
Early ♀: 14  ♂: 14
Parameter Difference Supplement
Coat - color - abdomen NS
Coat - color - back S
Coat - color - head NS
Coat - color pattern - abdomen NS
Coat - color pattern - back S
Coat - color pattern - head NS
Coat - hair distribution - abdomen NS
Coat - hair distribution - back NS
Coat - hair distribution - head NS
Coat - hair texture / appearance - abdomen NS
Coat - hair texture / appearance - back NS
Coat - hair texture / appearance - head NS


Some of 49-week-old mice (Late) had a brown patch on their back in only female.