Procedure Clinical Blood Chemistry Clinical biochemical test v2
Pipeline IMPC_adult_v2-LaterOnset Screen Age (week) 16-56w
Parameter Total protein (TP:g/L)
Strain Condition 1 Pipeline(s) Tested Day
C57BL/6NJcl Late ♀: 11  ♂: 9 2015/11/25 - 2016/08/31
(16.5 - 56.93)
Early ♀: 14  ♂: 12
Raw Data

Bartlett test result
Factor df Bartlett's K2 p
condition1 1 6.963955 0.008316801
sex 1 7.474998 0.006256165

Summary statistics
Factor mean median SD SEM N
condition1 - sex
Early(16w) - Female 44.95 45.4 2.8 0.75 14
Early(16w) - Male 45.03 44.9 2.68 0.77 12
Late(56w) - Female 45.92 45.5 2.73 0.82 11
Late(56w) - Male 51.83 52.2 4.83 1.61 9

ANOVA result
Signif. codes ***: <0.001
**: <0.010
*: <0.050
†: <0.100
Factor df Sum Sq. F value Pr(>F) Signif.
condition1 1 148.26 14.0902 0.0005292 ***
sex 1 77.92 7.4051 0.0094245 **
condition1:sex 1 95.32 9.0597 0.0044066 **
Residuals 42 441.92

Tukey multiple comparisons of means
Factor: condition1
Level Difference Lower Upper Adjusted p
Late(56w) - Early(16w) 3.59 1.64 5.54 0.00058

Factor: sex
Level Difference Lower Upper Adjusted p
Male - Female 2.61 0.675 4.55 0.00943

Factor: condition1:sex
Level Difference Lower Upper Adjusted p
Late(56w):Female - Early(16w):Female 0.9682 -2.53 4.46 8.80e-01
Early(16w):Male - Early(16w):Female 0.0833 -3.33 3.50 1.00e+00
Late(56w):Male - Early(16w):Female 6.8833 3.18 10.59 6.82e-05
Early(16w):Male - Late(56w):Female -0.8848 -4.51 2.74 9.14e-01
Late(56w):Male - Late(56w):Female 5.9152 2.02 9.82 1.17e-03
Late(56w):Male - Early(16w):Male 6.8000 2.97 10.63 1.35e-04


TP was significantly increased in 56-week-old mice (Late) relative to 16-week-old mice (Early) (p<0.001) in only male.