Japan Mouse Clinic

Clinic inspection (pipeline02)

Pipeline 2 (Behavioral test battery)

  P2-01: Light/dark transition ( 6w ) sop_b.png

     Light/dark transition test is carried out in order to assess anxiolytic behavior.
  Light box (20x20cm; white wall) and dark box (20x20cm; black wall) are connected by guillotine door (see picture).
  Latency for first entry into the light box and time spent in the light box are index of anxiety.

  P2-02: Open-field test ( 7w ) sop_b.png

     Open-field test is carried out in order to asses spontaneous activity in novel environment.
  The open-field apparatus is made from polyvinyl chloride board (40x40x32cm, see picture).
  Distance traveled and % time spent in center area for 20 min were measured using CCD camera and video imaging system as indexes of locomotor activity and emotionality.

  P2-03: Crawley's social interaction test ( 9w ) sop_b.png

     Social approaches are measured.
  The apparatus is consisted of three chambers as shown in left photograph. A novel mouse or novel object are placed in a wire cage at the left or right corner.
  Duration for exploration of the novel mouse or the novel object are measured.

  P2-04: Home-cage activity test ( 10 - 11w ) sop_b.png

     Home cage activity test is assessing spontaneous locomotor activity and activity pattern in the home-cage.
  Mouse activity measurement hardware system is assembled from magnetic field change detectors, data collection boxes, and PCs.
  Activity counts under 12h light/dark cycle (08:00-20:00 on) are measured for 5 days .

  P2-05: Y maze ( 12w ) sop_b.png

     Locomotor activity, persistence (restriction of interest), spatial learning and memory.
  Apparatus of Y maze is consist of arms which lengths are equal as illustrated in left photograph. A mouse is put into center of the apparatus. Spontaneous locomotor activity, number of entry into each arm, and alteration ratio are measured.

  P2-06: Fear conditioning test ( 13w ) sop_b.png

p2-11_g.png(210360 byte)    The contextual and cued fear conditioning test assesses the ability of mice to learn and remember.

  P2-07: Prepulse inhibition test ( 14w ) sop_b.png

p2-09_g.png(318960 byte)      Prepulse inhibition (PPI test) is generally used to examine dysfunction of sensory motor gating system. PPI is a neurological phenomenon such as weaker prestimulus (prepulse) inhibits the reaction to a subsequent strong startling stimulus (pulse). In this test, acoustic sound was used as prepulse and pulse stimuli.
  The mouse is placed in the plexiglas cylinder fixed in the sound-attenuating chamber. The peak amplitude of startle response immediately after the sound is recorded by the startle monitor.
  Prepulse inhibition (%) is calculated as following, (amplitude of startle response to pulse without prepulse - amplitude of startle response to pulse immediate after prepulse) / amplitude of startle response to pulse without prepulse x100.