
      研究者とマウス01   作業01

  The observation of overall appearance is useful to evaluate the comprehensive mouse phenotypic traits which are controlled by several genes. The observed phenotypic changes in mouse morphology and behavior provide a great deal of information that serves as an indication of what to analyze in the next step. As examples, a timid mouse escaping just as it comes into view of human fingers can become an experimental model for mental disease, and a mouse exhibiting polyuria can become a model for renal diabetes. To date, observation of overall appearance has been performed based on subjective evaluation, and a universal description for the evaluation of each observed phenotypic trait is lacking. Therefore, we require an observation method that enables the evaluation of phenotypic traits with a universal and precise description.

  The RIKEN Modified SHIRPA is an excellent and rapid observation method that evaluates the comprehensive mouse phenotypic traits with a universal and precise description. This method requires no precise equipment and can be performed using simple equipment with only visual inspection and manual handling. Approximately 60 test items are included in the evaluation of comprehensive phenotypic traits related to mouse morphology, behavior, and sensory responses. This method has already been used for the evaluation of overall appearance in many studies on mutant analysis and toxicological tests.

  The RIKEN modified SHIRPA can be easily introduced to every laboratory and quickly mastered by anyone. This method has been introduced as the international standard to be used for the observation of overall appearance in an increasing number of research areas.

RIKEN BioResource Research Center (BRC)
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