Y-maze [EA_YMZ_001]


The Y-maze is used to assess spontaneous alternation performance as an index of active retrograde working memory in rodents.

Experimental Design


  1. Y shaped arena with three arms of identical length at 120° angles.
  2. Camera and computer with tracking software if using video tracking.


  1. Transport animals to testing room at least 15 minutes prior to testing.
  2. Ensure lighting conditions are as desired and if using video tracking that the camera is working.
  3. Remove mouse from its cage and place in the start arm. Allow the mouse to explore the arena for 8 minutes.
  4. Either manually score the entries or use the automatic tracking while the mouse explores the arena for the duration of the test. Arm entry is defined differently depending on the scoring system.
    1. Manual: arm entry is scored when all four paws enter the new location.
    2. Automated tracking: arm entry is scored when the centre of the mouse enters the new location.
  5. Remove mouse from the arena and place back in home cage.
  6. Clean area with consistent disinfectant (i.e. ethanol/clidox) before testing next mouse.


  1. Please ensure that the mice are not handled prior to the test, except handling for cage change.
  2. Ear clipping should be done after the test if necessary.

Data QC

  1. Verify total time of run.
  2. Coherence between latency, number of entries and time in the center; e.g. it is not possible to have zero entries and have spent some time spent in the center.

Parameters & Metadata


Name Type Increment Option Unit Data Type Derived
Latency to leave start arm simpleParameter s FLOAT
Total arm entries simpleParameter INT
Number of triplets simpleParameter INT Total arm entries-2
Number of spontaneous alternations simpleParameter INT
Alternation ratio simpleParameter % FLOAT Number of spontaneous alternations/(Total arm entries-2)*100
Number of alternate arm entries simpleParameter INT
Alternate arm entry ratio simpleParameter % FLOAT Number of alternate arm entries/(Total arm entries-2)*100
Number of same arm entries simpleParameter INT
Same arm entry ratio simpleParameter % FLOAT Number of same arm entries/(Total arm entries-2)*100
Feacal boli (count) simpleParameter INT
Acclimatisation time (minimum) procedureMetadata 30 min INT
Arm dimensions procedureMetadata 40 L x 3 W x 12 H cm TEXT
Light level procedureMetadata 40 Lux INT
Placement in start arm procedureMetadata End of arm TEXT
Cleaning agent/disinfectant procedureMetadata 70% Ethanol solution TEXT
Tracking method procedureMetadata Video TEXT
Scoring method procedureMetadata Automated TEXT
Duration at centre prior to arm re-entry procedureMetadata 1 s INT
Experimenter ID procedureMetadata TEXT
Maze ID procedureMetadata TEXT
Maze manufacturer procedureMetadata O'hara Co.Ltd TEXT
Maze model procedureMetadata YM-3002 TEXT
Tracking equipment ID procedureMetadata YM-1020 TEXT
Tracking equipment manufacturer procedureMetadata O'hara Co.Ltd TEXT
Tracking equipment model procedureMetadata Time YM2 TEXT
Date tracking equipment last calibrated procedureMetadata DATETIME
Software procedureMetadata Time YM2 software TEXT
Alternating start arm procedureMetadata No TEXT