


Understanding T cell development in athymic mice

日時:2017年6月19日(月) 16:00~17:00

場所:バイオリソースセンター1階 森脇和郎ホール

講師:Dr. Jeremy Swann
Max-Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics
Freiburg, Germany



The thymus is a primary lymphoid organ present in all vertebrates, and is essential for the production of most T cells.
Close examination of athymic mice and humans has however revealed that small numbers of T cells can be detected in individuals lacking a thymus.
The T cells observed in athymic individuals exhibit unusual phenotypic properties in comparison to conventional thymus-derived T cells, and at present the developmental origin of these extrathymic T cells is unclear.
We aim to determine what role somatic mutation, either at the T cell receptor locus, or elsewhere in the genome, plays in the development of these extrathymic T cells.
Understanding the development of thymus-independent T cells may provide clues as to the evolutionary history of thymic T cell restriction, and help us to understand the essential signals provided by the thymus to support conventional T cell development.

連絡先:遺伝工学基盤技術室 小倉 淳郎 (029-836-9165)
